Inpatient care
Patients with advanced life-limiting threatening illnesses of any diagnosis may be referred with their consent for:
- Assessment and review of complex symptoms
- End-of-life care
- Short-term care following a hospital discharge before the patient goes home
The admission process
All admission requests come via a GP, hospital consultant or hospital, district nurse or community specialist nurse. As you can imagine, our services are very much in demand and we strive to prioritise those with the greatest need. We operate and proactively managed waiting list, which is reviewed daily. Decisions about admissions are made on the basis of individual need.
The duration of care
The length of stay will depend on the needs of the individual patient. We are unable to offer long-term care on the in-patient unit and patients will be discharged if and when their needs can be met in another setting. The discharge planning process starts as soon as possible and involves discussions with the patient as well as those people important to them.
However, that's not the end of our care - our nursing teams will continue to provide support to patients, either at home or in a nursing home as and when required. In addition, patients can access other hospice services when required, such as counselling or complementary therapy. In this way, when patients leave the hospice, our care and support continues.