Diseases other than cancer

There are many diseases, other than cancer, which can shorten a person’s life or limit the person’s ability to live life fully. There are many organisations which can help with diseases such as MS, Parkinson’s, CJD and other life-limiting illnesses.


British Heart Foundation

The British Heart Foundation offers information and support for people with heart and circulatory diseases. You can call them on 0300 330 3311 or follow the link above to their website.


British Lung Foundation

The British Lung Foundation (BLF) supports people affected by lung diseases such as lung cancer, COPD and mesothelioma. Find out more from the British Lung Foundation or call 03000 030 555.


Huntington’s Disease Association

The Huntington's Disease Association is a UK registered charity which supports people affected by Huntington's disease. They also provide information and advice to families, friends and healthcare professionals who support Huntington's disease families.


Motor Neurone Disease Association

The Motor Neurone Disease Association funds and promotes research into the disease and provides support for people affected by MND.


Multiple Sclerosis Society

The Multiple Sclerosis Society offers help for people with MS through information, support and campaigning. You can also call them on 0808 800 8000.


Parkinson’s UK

Parkinson's UK is a support and research charity which works to find a cure and improve life for everyone affected by Parkinson's. See their website for further information or call 0808 800 0303.


The National Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

The incidence of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is monitored in the UK by the National CJD Research & Surveillance Unit (NCJDRSU) based at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Unit brings together a team of clinical neurologists, neuropathologists and scientists specialising in the investigation of this disease. See the CJD website for information on care and support available.


UK National Kidney Federation

The national kidney patient charity in the United Kingdom. The charity supports people with kidney disease as well as those people close to them. See NKF for further information.


Colostomy Association

A UK charity supporting people with a stoma. The charity offers support, reassurance and practical information to anyone who may be about to have, or already has a colostomy. See the Colostomy Association.


Lymphoedema Support Network

The Lymphoedema Support Network is a registered UK charity which provides information and support to people who live with lymphoedema. See Lympheodema.org for further information.


The GM Cancer Education Team &
Macmillan Lymphoedema Programme Team

These videos provide a quick and easy demonstration to aid your skin care management to help reduce the risk of lymphoedema.

The links to the full video are below, with & without subtitles.

Whole video: https://vimeo.com/413585454/f4e7523bac

Whole video (S): https://vimeo.com/431394912/8ee9b965fe


Urostomy Association

The Urostomy Association helps people who have a urinary diversion, such as a urostomy, continent urinary pouch or neo bladder. The association also assists carers. See the Urostomy Association website for further information.