Bereavement Support

As important as our care is for patients it is equally important that we care for their loved ones.

Our care for families begins before a person dies and then continues into bereavement supporting those people close to our patients.


Bereavement Support Service

We offer a bereavement support service for those important to patients who have accessed hospice services.

Our full Bereavement Support Pack will be sent to the next of kin after a patient dies. The pack contains details of self- help resources and the support we offer in bereavement. You are able to download a large part of the pack by clicking on the links below:

Guidance Following a Bereavement

Emotional Support Following a Bereavement


Understanding your grief

This is a one-off session ran by our counsellors explaining grief, what emotions you might expect to feel and how these might affect us, to explore different models of grief and how you can support your own wellbeing and to highlight how to access further support if needed.

  • Second Thursday of the month, bi-monthly from 2.00pm  – 3.30pm
  • Thursday 13th February
  • Thursday 10th April
  • Thursday 12th June
  • Thursday 14th August
  • Thursday 9th October
  • Thursday 11th December


Walk and Talk Bereavement Group

This session will include a short walk locally (about 45 minutes) with our bereavement support team where you can talk to our team and other people in a similar situation. This is an opportunity to get outside, meet others experiencing bereavement and tap into the wellbeing effects of walking in nature. We will then come back to Woodview for a warm drink and a biscuit.

  • Last Thursday of the month from 10.30am – 12.00pm
  • Thursday 30th January
  • Thursday 27th February
  • Thursday 27th March
  • Thursday 24th April
  • Thursday 29th May
  • Thursday 26th June
  • Thursday 31st July
  • Thursday 28th August
  • Thursday 25th September
  • Thursday 30th October
  • Thursday 27th November
  • Thursday 18th December (due to Christmas)


Bereavement Café 

These will run bi-monthly in the Oak Centre at the Hospice, open to anyone whose loved one accessed hospice services. It provides a safe space to meet others experiencing bereavement to share experiences and access mutual support. Sessions are facilitated by our bereavement team.

  • Every third Wednesday bi-monthly from 10.30am – 12.00pm
  • Wednesday 15th January
  • Wednesday 19th March
  • Wednesday 21st May
  • Wednesday 16th July
  • Wednesday 17th September
  • Wednesday 19th November


A Day to remember

This is a one-off session for families with children aged 5-12 years who have lost a loved one under the care of the hospice. Sessions will be held on a Saturday so that children do not have to miss any time from school. There will be games, creative activities, and discussion in a safe, supportive and fun day and lunch will be provided. The day is facilitated by our Counsellors who have been trained by Child Bereavement UK.

  • Held bi-monthly from 10.00am – 3.00pm
  • Saturday 1st March
  • Saturday 12th July
  • Saturday 8th November

All the above groups are accessible by contacting the Community Clinical secretaries on 01942 525566 or by email to


Further Support

  • The Next of Kin of our deceased patients will receive an Invitation to a remembrance event to celebrate the life of a loved one.
  • Additional Bereavement support is available after 3 months following the death of a loved one, who was in receipt of care from any hospice services.

We ask people to wait 3 months, as in this period of early bereavement emotions can vary. It takes time for these to settle and for individuals to be in a place where bereavement support can be beneficial.

After assessment we will offer support that meets the individual’s needs including:

  • Group sessions.
  • One to one session, up to a maximum of 12 sessions

Sources of further support:


Read Andy's Story to meet one of our bereavement volunteers.


Evenings of Remembrance

Our remembrance evenings provide an opportunity for those who have recently lost a loved one under the care of the hospice to come together and remember them.

During the service the names of those who have recently died will be read out and there will be time to reflect and remember loved ones and listen to readings and music.

The service is non-religious and lasts for about half an hour followed by a quiet time for reflection.

Following the main service is an opportunity for people to stay for a while for refreshments and to light their own candles in memory of a loved one or write a message on our memory tree if they wish to do so. Special memory cards are also available to purchase, you can find out more about these in our shop.

The service can prove very beneficial, and can help people feel less alone in their grief. Many people tell us that they find it beneficial to come to the hospice.

During the pandemic we were unable to hold our remembrance service so we made this video.