Celebrating Volunteers' Week with Martin

To celebrate volunteer’s week, we would like to introduce you to some of our amazing volunteers!
Today’s volunteer is Martin Trumble, who has volunteered for Wigan & Leigh Hospice for the past 18 months.
Martin started his volunteering journey on our reception desk and has since taken on an additional role as a driver for our Retail team, delivering essential items to our shops as well as collecting small items from our supporters and moving stock around our 10 shops.
Volunteering is something that Martin had wanted to do for several years, as sadly he had first-hand experience of the care that patients receive in the Hospice, and he felt he wanted to give something back when he had the time to do so. Luckily for us Martin retired from his IT job in 2021 and signed up to be a volunteer!
When asked why he volunteers this is what Martin had to say;
“Firstly, I volunteer as a thank you to all those founders and staff that have gone before, who had the vision to provide a place for so many patients, some friends of mine, at a time of their greatest need, and realising that without the dedicated staff, the many hundreds of volunteers, and the public generosity, it couldn’t work so well.
Secondly, for those currently within The Hospice, the patients and families who receive such wonderful care and support and for the staff who provide that.
Thirdly is again in the present, and that’s for my own wellbeing, allowing me to give something, for nothing in return, other than the feeling of helping those in need, a sense of community and of hopefully a worthwhile job well done. I’m lucky enough to have the health and the time to be able to do this.
Lastly, but certainly not least, the hope that what I do as volunteer today allows, in some small way, the staff and volunteers of the future to continue to provide the awe-inspiring care for generations to come.
The Hospice shouldn’t be taken for granted but should be cherished and looked after”
Thank you to you and to all our volunteers for the time and support that they give to Wigan & Leigh Hospice.
Looking to become a volunteer?
To find out more about our volunteering roles, please contact the Hospice on 01942 525 566 or see here for further details on how to get involved.