Taking on the 2025 London Marathon for Wigan & Leigh Hospice

Alicia’s Auntie Mo was cared for by Wigan & Leigh Hospice

In April 2025, amazing fundraiser Alicia is taking on the London Marathon to raise money for Wigan & Leigh Hospice, in memory of her much-loved Auntie, Maureen (Mo). Here is her story.


Memories of Auntie Mo

“My Auntie Mo had a huge impact on my life and everyone around her. She treated me and all of my cousins like we were her own, leaving me with not one Mum, but two. I have incredible memories of growing up with her by my side. She never missed a birthday, a Christmas, a holiday, or any of the many moments in between.

I miss Auntie Mo every day, but it is certainly true that whilst the waves of grief get less frequent, they never get weaker. This is made easier however with the knowledge of how her final few weeks and days were spent.

The weeks leading up to losing Auntie Mo at age 55 to pancreatic cancer should, and certainly were at times, the worst weeks of our lives. However, this was turned around into three of the most treasured weeks of my life, all thanks to Wigan & Leigh Hospice.

The time we spent with Auntie Mo at the hospice allowed us to be there for her as family members, not as carers. This gave us the opportunity to reminisce over our favourite family memories, say all of the things we meant to say but never did, and create lasting memories that we will treasure forever.

On the day before she passed away, we were outside in the garden enjoying ice cream in the sun. This is something we never would have been able to do elsewhere. Even now, approaching seven years later, I still can’t put into words how grateful my family are to everyone at the hospice.”

Fundraising for the Hospice

“I work in healthcare now and I have realised that unfortunately very few people have access to the same great care my Auntie Mo received. I can’t imagine spending those final weeks anywhere other than at the hospice and I find it difficult not being able to provide the same fortune to my own patients.

I am incredibly honoured to have the opportunity to run the 2025 London Marathon to fundraise for Wigan & Leigh Hospice. Auntie Mo always made my birthdays so special, so it seems a great coincidence that I’ll be running 26 miles for her and the hospice the day after my 26th birthday!”


We cannot thank Alicia enough for her continued support and fundraising efforts for the hospice.

To support Alicia on her marathon journey, please visit her fundraising page here.